2016-11-24 - Thanksgiving River Run


~9.4 miles @ ~16.0 min/mi

"My longest streak was 10 years!" Stephen A. Gould, Sirisha ("Iris") Golla, and a motley crew of VHTRC comrades trek this morning along the Maryland side of the Potomac River. It's a beautiful day for a Turkey Trot, cool with intermittent light showers. Golden-brown leaves blanket rocks and roots. A great blue heron poses for pics in the C&O Canal.

"We should stop clinging to goals!" Starting at the Old Anglers Inn we capture a position of power at the back of the pack. Upon gentle interrogation Stephen admits to running 3+ miles daily for far too many years in a row, and to once meeting namesake Stephen J. Gould, the late scientist-author. Today his knees are complaining, so conversation has time to reveal multiple ultras we've run together, multiple parks we've visited, and multiple other common threads, including a daughter currently visiting Mumbai and plans for upcoming long races.

"It's called chikki!" Sirisha shares squares of sweet sesame-honey trail food. She has run today's event several times, and leads us safely back via a maze of branching tracks through the woods. Thanksgiving plans include marinated baked tofu, fresh breads, and other delicacies.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-12-22